Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Conflict of Syria

The Middle East is a central of Islam in the world. But a lot of problems are happening there, which regard of religion, belief, and politic. For instance, Syria armed conflict between Sunni and Shiah that has been beginning 2 years ago up to now. Syria is headed by Bashar Al-Assad who is Syiah and also whose family has held the presidency in Syria since 1971. There is ongoing debate about the core of this problem whether this conflict is happening because holding a brief for Islam or politic interest or Kabilalism.  

It is believed that if someone who is death in the war in holding a brief for Islam, it means that they become a Mujahidin and they will be entered to the heaven. This doctrine becomes a big influence in reaching military. It is proven by victims, according to various opposition activist groups, around 72.960 to 96.430 people have been killed, of which about half were civilians, but also including 58.500 armed combatants consisting of both the Syrian Army and rebel forces, up to 1.000 opposition protesters and 1.000 government officials. By October 2012, up to 28.000 people had been reported missing, including civilians forcibly abducted by government troops or security forces.    

Furthermore, politic interest also becomes a prognostic. Because, Bashar Al-Assad’s regime has held the presidency in Syria since 1971, up to now and He is Syiah. By these complications, the Syrians are doing demonstration in making against as manifestation of abhorence to Bashar Al-Assad’s. Mostly, the demonstration or opposition of government is Sunni. The world has being knowing Sunni and Syiah are two followers of Muhammad who never live peacefully.

Addition, according to Komaruddin Hidayah the war is still occurring in Syria because of kabilalism. Actually, the definition of Kabilalism has many meanings. But according to  Komaruddin hidyat kabilalism is the action that the two groups are killing each other. For instance, the government (Bashar Al-Assad) attacks to the opposition which has 10 victims in that brunt. And of course, the opposition will do the same action; it is attacking to the Al-Assad’s with intending has the same victim. On the other hand, they are taking vengeance up to now.  

To sum up, Mujahidin and calling Allahu Akbar are being dogma to face a good life in Syria, but actually, it is opposite with the reality in Syria, they are assassinating each other because politic interest and Kabilalism.


How special Ali is

This paper is going to describe some special things about Ali bin abi tholib. He was born in 13 Rajab 23 Pra Hijriah / 599 – passed away 21 Ramadan 40 Hijria  / 661. He was a cousin of Muhammad SAW, all at once a Son in Law, after he married Fatimah Az-Zahra. Lots of people think that he was a door of knowledge and the person who was closest and the most trusted of Rasullulah, and he had a love story with Fatimah Az-Zahra.

Rasullullah once said that “I was the source of knowledge and Ali was the door of it”. Therefore, if you want to enter it, firstly you have to pass the door, who is Ali. Ali became a special man at the time. He grew up as a brave man.  Furthermore, it is proven when Muhammad declared Ali as his deputy. Shiaa used to celebrate this day as the Inauguration of Imam Ali. In Iraq people used to have a big celebration, it is considered as The Greatest Eid, people used to distribute Kandy, to celebrate and to congratulate each other’s of being followers of Shiaa or supporters of the Greatest Leader in the history of Muslims. For Iraqis it is more special because Iraq never had the opportunity to be ruled with justice; Iraqis have very limited memories about good leaders.

God gave victory to Islam in the Battle of Badr in the 2nd year of hijri. Two months after the battle, Fatimah Az-Zahra, the daughter of Muhammad, and Ali bin thalib, the son of Abu Tholib were married. They had a great love story. According to the history, the devils did not know about their love. When they were married, Fatimah Az-Zahra never did complain about anything to Ali. Beside that Ali did not do polygamy before Fatimah Az-Zahra passed away as his manifestation of love for her.      

To sum up, Ali is a great figure of Islam and respected by both Shiaa and Sunnis.