listen about Syi’ah, of course the citizen especially Muslim of Indonesia will aim
at west Asia, Iran exactly. In Iran, Syiah increases well. In the present age,
it is still becoming understanding and ideology for Muslim over there.
How about Syiah in Indonesia? I do believe that we have watched on
television about Sunni and Syiah case. There were two people that became
victims from Syiah. It is a flagship of regret for the government. Why are
there any victims? The reason is that they misunderstood each other.
They claimed that Syiah is not a part of Muslim. “They do not think
that if Sunni and Syiah exist among us after Rasulullah SAW passed away, I also
have studied about Sunni and Syiah, both have are neither totally wrong nor
right.” Dien Samsuddin said that in his preaching in Surakarta Muhammadiyah
University (29/8/2012, There is no guarantee if Sunni is
the real Moslem. Because both have strong basics. Also have the same God, Holy Qur’an
and Prophet.
I also remind what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iranian President) was
saying during the Islamic conference in Teheran (the Jakarta post, sat,
09/08/2012), “Our duty now is to humanize human beings, grab again the
dignity of humankind. We are as the human beings, particular Muslim all around
the world, have been forced into poverty, humiliation, torture, and oppression.
It is the time for us to awake, and rebuild our great civilities”.
Regarding some arguments above, the
writer would conclude that as Muslim, we do not need to talk about disparity.
Sunny and Syiah are the same on God’s eyes. But we must focus to decrease or to
break up all the problems faced by Muslim now, namely; torture, oppression,
poverty and humiliation. Substantively, our enemy is not Syiah but America and
friends. Because America still colonizes our country softly, also the actor of
capitalism system is America. The writer encourages you all to combat them. Allah
i do agree with you, sunni and syiah should not hate each other, we muslim must unite. it doesn't matter whether we are sunni or syiah, we are all muslim as long as we believe in One Rabb, Allah. and believe the Prophet Muhammad pbuh is the last messenger. I do hope that sunni and syiah could understand each other. Amiin.