sebatas mimpi? tanyaku
bukan, biarlah waktu yang akan menjawabnya.
entah kapan? waktu tak kunjung ada batasnya. tanyaku lagi.
tapi, biarlah aku menjadi pencintanya, meskipun itu berbanding terbalik dengan kenyataan.
biarlah ku hadapi dengan senyuman dan hati yang lapang.
mencintaimu adalah bahagia bagiku.
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012
Konsep kehidupan
manusia dimuka bumi merupakan sebuah cerita yang tak kunjung habis. Sandiwara kehidupan
semuanya berawal dari muka bumi dan Allah SWT yang menjadi sutradara (Mustafa Agus:
23). Sama halnya ketika berbicara tentang cinta dan ego.
orang yang mendefinisikan tentang cinta. Namun tak ada satupun yang mampu
memberikan defenisi yang jelas. Semua orang dapat memberikan defenisi
tergantung apa yang mereka rasakan. Seperti defenisi tentang cinta berikut ini.
Cinta adalah suatu perasaan yang positif dan diberikan pada manusia atau benda
lainnya (Wikipedia Cinta). Sedangkan menurut cinta adalah
Perasaan takut kehilangan, takut ditinggalkan oleh seseorang yang kita sayangi,
sehingga membuat seseorang rela melakukan banyak hal yang awalnya terlihat
tidak mungkin.
Bagaimana dengan ego? selama ini anggapan kita tentang ego hanya
mementingkan kepentingan dirisendiri atau yang biasa disebut egosentrik. Ternyata
Ego menurut muhammad iqbal adalah Khudi yang
berarti roh yang penuh rahasia dan yang
mengatur segala potensi yang ada dalam diri manusia. Selain itu, ego juga
merupakan salah satu media untuk menjaga hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan dan
manusia dengan manusia yang disebut ego semesta.
selama ini yang kita namakan cinta ternyata ego. Contoh lainnya, ketika kita
menyukai seorang wanita dan ada rasa peduli denganya. Itu bukan cinta tetapi
ego. Sama halnya ketika manusia ingin mendapatkan ridho dari Allah SWT ternyata
yang timbul adalah ego manusia untuk mendapatkan ridho-Nya bukan cinta.
beberapa statement diatas penulis berkesimpulan bahwa didalam kehidupan ini
tidak ada cinta kecuali ego. Ego yang senantiasa menjaga hubungan manusia
dengan Allah dan manusia dengan manusia. Sedangkan cinta yang kita pahami
selama ini hanyalah ilusi yang tidak ada exsistensinya.
Senin, 08 Oktober 2012
setelah terbangun dalam lelahnya mata
ku tak yakin dia hadir dalam mimpiku
mimpi yang indah dan mimpi yang aneh
dua malam berturut - turut dia menghiasi tidur ku
ku bingung dengan perasaan ini
tetapi hati ini berkata "ANA UHIBBUKI LILLAHI TAALA"
kata itu yang sering aku ucapkan ketika mengingat namanya.
ku tak yakin dia hadir dalam mimpiku
mimpi yang indah dan mimpi yang aneh
dua malam berturut - turut dia menghiasi tidur ku
ku bingung dengan perasaan ini
tetapi hati ini berkata "ANA UHIBBUKI LILLAHI TAALA"
kata itu yang sering aku ucapkan ketika mengingat namanya.
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012
Education for character building
Education is really important thing in our lives. Education is how to educate our selves to become the true human being. That’s why the goverment encourage the society to educate their selves by nine-year studying compulsory . Beside that, the goverment has a program. It is free fee of education. But the fact that our education still left behind with our neighbours, such as Singapore, Malay, Vietnam, and Brunei. Brunei is order that 35, it’s better than Indonesia. This condition is really apprehensive.
Lately, Indonesia has a low quality in education. In the same manner as, According to media compas (3/3/2012) at 12 page “education and culture”, by that very fact in Education For All (EFA) global Monitoring report 2011 was said by UNESCO and releas in new york on Monday, 1/3/2012, index education building in indonesia is 69 from 127 countries which on survey. Last year, Indonesia took rank 65. On the other hand, education system of Indonesia still drip for cognitve intelegent. We can see, school still busy to arrange matters , such as middle examination and final examination. Adding exercise, such as homework, exercise at school and so on. Of course, all of them do not support or uncomportable with daily activities of students. Actually, School ought to become please place for the students to create or to increase their good character.
In my point of view, to solve this problem is the goverment should impose education character. According to David Elkind & freddy Sweet Ph.D (2004), “Education Character is the deliberate effort to help people understand ,care about, and act upon core ethical value. When we think about the kind of character we want for our children , it is clear that we want them be able to judge what is right, and then do what they believe to be right, even in the face of pressure from without and temptation from within”. Then, according to T.Ramli (2003), “Education character has a quintessense (essense), sense and morals education. The purpose is to build child personal, hope so, they becoming good young generation.
Based on statement above, I believe that when we maintain morality, discipline, and responsibilty to students in very first time, it will create the young generation for the better future. So that we can compete with the other countries. That’s why we have to keep or impose education character in our lovely country.
we should be shy being indonesian part 2
I have explained about education of Indonesia in the part 1. In this occasion, I would like to share my point of view about the other side of Indonesia. Indonesia could be proud of in their goals in the international eye. Not only, the students got the titleholder or common championship in the last year, but also Indonesia is about to be the host to hold this competition. Moreover, the things that Indonesia has being famous. It is batik. Batik has become an identifying mark of Indonesia. Thereby, the government encourages us to wear or to love it.
Admittedly, Indonesia has a lot of problems. It cannot be solved by the government. Not only political sector, but also science and technology sector has a lot problems. Why Indonesia cannot increase the science and technology sector? It because of the awareness of the citizen is still concerning. Furthermore, most of them are interested or busy to discuss about proscribed or rightful, deviate or not and God. They never study about holy Qur’an in science and technology sector.
I do believe that we have watched on television about Sunni and Syiah case. There are two people became victims from Syiah. It is a flagship of regrettable of the government. Why there is a victim? The reason is they are wrong to analyze about holy Qur’an. They claimed Syiah is not a part of Muslim. They do not think that if Sunni and Syiah present around us after Rasulullah SAW passing a way, also I have studied about Sunni and Syiah, they have truthful and untruthful. Dien Samsuddin said that in the middle of his preaching in Surakarta Muhammadiyah University (29/8/2012, There is no guarantee if Sunni is the real Moslem. Because of they have strong basic. Also they have the same God, Holy Qur’an and Prophet.
But in mean of time, it is better if we study about holly Qur’an in science and Technology sector. It is proven in Iran. Iran has a good science and technology. Regarding that developing science in Iran is the highest in the world. The data from UK’s Royal Society compared scientific public global degree between 1993 and 2003 also 2004 and 2008. From the data, Iran noted as state which has growth of highest science in world.
To sum up, I would concede that Iran has a good science and technology. Despitefully, Iran does not interested to study about proscribed or rightful, deviate or not and God. It focuses to enhance the science and technology sector. Different from our country we are still busy talking about Syiah and Sunni and soon. We should be to be Indonesian if decide ourselves include there. How pity we are!!
we should be shy being indonesian part 1
Being the developed nation is a dream each country in the world. One of sectors to encourage for advancement is an education. It indicates the education is quiet important, with the result that a nation is able measure whether that nation do advancement or not, because education is a process to create the young generation for a nation. But if output from this education is fail, so it is so difficult to imagine how we could get the riches. We back to our nations; we can say Indonesia is one of the richest nations in the world. Unfortunately, nowadays the condition of education in Indonesia is facing a lot of problems, such as infrastructure does not support it, about curriculum always be changed, educators are unprofessional.
If we see from the qualities in our educations, according to Human Development Index (HDI), nowadays Indonesia is 111 ranks of 175 nations. As well as, according to Asia Week magazine said that there is no the University of Indonesia enters in 20 rank of university. They indicate if our education still left behind from the other countries in the world. Notwithstanding, Indonesia sometimes gets the winner in international championship. But it does not guarantee, if education in Indonesia is good. Wow, how pity we are!!!
In the other hand, one of the solution to rich a good education is the government should provide a good infrastructure for each school in Indonesia. Regrettably, we can compare between school in the city and in the village. More infrastructures are having the city than the village. From this case the education in our nation is unbalance.
At the same time, the city and the village have a difference infrastructure but they have the same curriculum. If we see that condition, in my point of view as a writer our nation is funny nation. How could be? The school of village cannot make competition with the school in the city. Even though, only a few students make competition with them. Ones more, it does not guarantee.
Adding, a lot of educators are unprofessional, in reality, a lot of educators do not know how to operate computer, as we know that computer is one of tools which supporting our infrastructures and one factor to increase our teachers quality. We can imagine if another nation study about outer space but Indonesia is still busy for changing the curriculum.
Based on these cases above, we should be shy to be Indonesian, if we do nothing for our nation. As a writer, I want to ask for you all to do something for Indonesia to get better. So that, Indonesia will be known by a good education, no bad education.
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