Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Will The Second Revolution of Egypt happen?

After Muhammad Hosni Mubarak’s regime collapsed because the citizen did revolution against his regime, the government of Egypt had determined to be a democracy country where the president would be chosen by the society. At the time, Muhammad Morsi has elected in general election and became the first president whom was selected by the citizen. Hopefully, Muhammad Morsi brought Egypt better than before.   

Nowadays at Egypt still occurs the same reaction. A thousand hundreds of Egyptians go down to the road in shouting Muhammad Morsi who was deemed fails to bring Egypt to a better state after collapsing. In my point of view there are two reasons prior to this case, such as politic situation and economic situation.

First, politic situation, let us be honest politic situations in Egypt are really alarming. Much interventions come from other countries, America accused of taking part in this issue. On the other hand, Muhammad Morsi was trying to convert the short-lived democracy in Egypt back to the islamic syariat country. It is proven by within a month, Morsi appointed members of the Muslim Brotherhood to serve in various state agencies. There are at least 5 cadres of the Muslim Brotherhood appointed as the ​​official in various departments, 8 of them are in Presidential office, 7 of them are governors, 12 to be  the governor assistants, 13 at the office of the governor, and 12 as mayors.

Second, economic situation, Morsi failed to deliver his promises during the presidential campaign for the welfare of the people of Egypt. Morsi failed to raise wages and living standards of the people. Indeed, Morsi has only served as president for a year. The time is considered less to restore the country's economy. However, over the past year there are at least 558 demonstrations, 514 strikes, and 500 sit-in protests. Actually, Morsi tried to fix the country's economy by amending the tax laws on November last year. However, in spite of the efforts, the price of staple goods still increased.

To sum up, the welfare of the people is the government's responsibility. The society has the full right to demand justice. Revolution is one way to implement prosperous life, for example at Egypt where the society has just done the second revolution.

Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Conflict of Syria

The Middle East is a central of Islam in the world. But a lot of problems are happening there, which regard of religion, belief, and politic. For instance, Syria armed conflict between Sunni and Shiah that has been beginning 2 years ago up to now. Syria is headed by Bashar Al-Assad who is Syiah and also whose family has held the presidency in Syria since 1971. There is ongoing debate about the core of this problem whether this conflict is happening because holding a brief for Islam or politic interest or Kabilalism.  

It is believed that if someone who is death in the war in holding a brief for Islam, it means that they become a Mujahidin and they will be entered to the heaven. This doctrine becomes a big influence in reaching military. It is proven by victims, according to various opposition activist groups, around 72.960 to 96.430 people have been killed, of which about half were civilians, but also including 58.500 armed combatants consisting of both the Syrian Army and rebel forces, up to 1.000 opposition protesters and 1.000 government officials. By October 2012, up to 28.000 people had been reported missing, including civilians forcibly abducted by government troops or security forces.    

Furthermore, politic interest also becomes a prognostic. Because, Bashar Al-Assad’s regime has held the presidency in Syria since 1971, up to now and He is Syiah. By these complications, the Syrians are doing demonstration in making against as manifestation of abhorence to Bashar Al-Assad’s. Mostly, the demonstration or opposition of government is Sunni. The world has being knowing Sunni and Syiah are two followers of Muhammad who never live peacefully.

Addition, according to Komaruddin Hidayah the war is still occurring in Syria because of kabilalism. Actually, the definition of Kabilalism has many meanings. But according to  Komaruddin hidyat kabilalism is the action that the two groups are killing each other. For instance, the government (Bashar Al-Assad) attacks to the opposition which has 10 victims in that brunt. And of course, the opposition will do the same action; it is attacking to the Al-Assad’s with intending has the same victim. On the other hand, they are taking vengeance up to now.  

To sum up, Mujahidin and calling Allahu Akbar are being dogma to face a good life in Syria, but actually, it is opposite with the reality in Syria, they are assassinating each other because politic interest and Kabilalism.


How special Ali is

This paper is going to describe some special things about Ali bin abi tholib. He was born in 13 Rajab 23 Pra Hijriah / 599 – passed away 21 Ramadan 40 Hijria  / 661. He was a cousin of Muhammad SAW, all at once a Son in Law, after he married Fatimah Az-Zahra. Lots of people think that he was a door of knowledge and the person who was closest and the most trusted of Rasullulah, and he had a love story with Fatimah Az-Zahra.

Rasullullah once said that “I was the source of knowledge and Ali was the door of it”. Therefore, if you want to enter it, firstly you have to pass the door, who is Ali. Ali became a special man at the time. He grew up as a brave man.  Furthermore, it is proven when Muhammad declared Ali as his deputy. Shiaa used to celebrate this day as the Inauguration of Imam Ali. In Iraq people used to have a big celebration, it is considered as The Greatest Eid, people used to distribute Kandy, to celebrate and to congratulate each other’s of being followers of Shiaa or supporters of the Greatest Leader in the history of Muslims. For Iraqis it is more special because Iraq never had the opportunity to be ruled with justice; Iraqis have very limited memories about good leaders.

God gave victory to Islam in the Battle of Badr in the 2nd year of hijri. Two months after the battle, Fatimah Az-Zahra, the daughter of Muhammad, and Ali bin thalib, the son of Abu Tholib were married. They had a great love story. According to the history, the devils did not know about their love. When they were married, Fatimah Az-Zahra never did complain about anything to Ali. Beside that Ali did not do polygamy before Fatimah Az-Zahra passed away as his manifestation of love for her.      

To sum up, Ali is a great figure of Islam and respected by both Shiaa and Sunnis.

Minggu, 28 April 2013

Tolerance on Religion Disparity

Disparity is surely happened, especially in religion, ethnic, culture, and social. That is why we need a tolerance. Tolerance is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality are different. This essay is going to argue whether Indonesia display a good tolerance on religion disparity or not.

It is believed that Indonesia is well-known with the good tolerance culture, because Indonesia is a plural country where many kinds of religions, cultures, ethnics and classes of society mixed together. It is proven at Indonesia’s slogan; BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA, which means “being different but in one purpose”. In fact, Indonesia has six religions; Islam, Catholic, Buddha, Hindu, Protestant, and Chong Hoe cu. It is described in UUD 45 verse 1 and 2 as a foundation in religion society. For example, in Bali, they are living peacefully, between Muslim and Hindu. There is no tendency from majority to minority.
However, inconsistence still happens in this country. Notwithstanding, we support freedom of religion. It because of the implementation of regulation is still low. To reflect Sampang Madura’s case between Shi’ah and Sunni, where there were two victims. On the other hand, mainstream believe in toward majority to minority still exist in this country. Why does this still happen? According to Jalaluddin Rahmat, a figure of Shi’ah Muslim, the cause of the increasing of intolerance in Indonesia is merely one: politic. He said that, religion at this time is like a commodity. It’s sold and marketed. For gaining majority voices, religion issue is even played by attacking minority group.
To sum up, the disparity is beautiful, that is why the writer challenges to live peacefully without religion violence. To admit their existence, it does not mean we follow their faith.        

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

malam ini

malam ini adalah anugerah bagi sang pencinta
malam yang penuh kebahagian bagi sang perindu
malam dimana Allah memberikan kesempatan
buat aku dan dia duduk bersama
ya Allah dialah perempuan yang tercinta dalam kehidupanku.
setelah perempuan yang menghadirkanku.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

bunga kehidupan

Ya Allah
Betapa bahagianya  tanah yang ditumbuhi bunga mawar
Dengan itu, tanah mampu meraih cinta dari bunga mawar begitupun sebaliknya
Mereka saling berbagi cinta dan kasih sayang
Suka dan duka mereka perpegangan tangan
Seakan mereka meneriakkan kamilah pasangan sejati
Ya Allah
Sungguh bahagianya hambamu yang hina ini
Jika  itu datang dalam kehidupan nyataku
Tapi apakah itu mungkin?



Kubertanya padamu, apakah itu cinta?

Kenapa harus ada cinta?

Dari mana itu cinta?

Tuhan menjawab dengan indahnya:

Cinta tak perlu ada batasan, cinta cukup hanya dirasakan

Karena dengan cinta maka Aku menciptakan segalanya

Cinta berasal dari sang maha cinta yaitu Aku

Akulah sang pemilik cinta

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

kata hatiku

kata hatiku
saat mataku terbuka
tampak olehku seluruh keindahan-Mu

kata hatiku
saat ku ucap rahasiaku pada-Mu
seluruh tubuhku terjiwai

kata hatiku
akulah perindu-Mu dan Pencinta-Mu
yang tak akan pernah menyakitimu
dengan berbagi cinta selain diri-Mu

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013


Are you Muslim? Yes of course, if they are Muslims, they are going to say, yes I am Muslim and if they are not Muslim, they are going to say, I am not Muslim. In the present age, the writer is going to focus on someone who has admitted their selves as Muslim but they do not do what Muslim should do, for instance, praying, and they still think that praying is hardest to do it continuously. There are many reasons why the people are lazy to do it.
First of all, they do not recognize about the urgency of praying. The urgency of praying is God will abridge our interest. In holy Qur’an Al-ankabut: 69 says that “And those who toil hard (and fight the lower self vehemently) for Our Ways (of striving for and attaining to the gnosis-sayr and wusul), and verily Allah blesses the men of spiritual excellence with His companionship”. Regarding of this verse that God will be gathering the people who always do praying.
Second of all, they forget the demise. I think the second reason is an important to know. Because this is commonly happen in the middle of society. Also, it is undeniable, a lot people think that they are immortal in this world. Thus, they will think twice in doing their obligations as Muslim. They forget if there will be a time that we are going to gather in one place. It is a hereafter. We also are going to back the real owner of us. It is a God. There is a verse in holy Qur’an says that “in truth we are from the God and we are going to back of Him”. It means we are living in this world with temporary time.
The last, one of reasons, why are the Muslim people lazy to do praying? Because they do not recognize that how big the reward from the God is. All things and all activities are created by the God with useful for human being.  It means that the God has been providing our needing completely in this world. In addition, whatever you do, I believe that God will give you some rewards. 
To sum up, the writer has said just some reasons why the people think that if praying is hard to do. Now, the writer hopes after knowing the reasons above we can compete to worship to the God. Because of God does not do all any purpose for His creature.

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Mabuk Cinta

Mabuk cinta kepada Zat yang memberi cinta yaitu sang Mahacinta.
akulah pencintaMu
akulah pemujaMu
akulah perinduMu

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Iran on other hand

Women are the most beautiful creature ever created by god.  So, we deserved to keep them well, as well as keep the heart of the temptation to stay awake. But, difference in Iran which we have known that Iran has a good responsibility and good belief, and good a thinker. There is ongoing debate whether the Iranian is caring the women and whether it has exploitation women.

It is believe that Iran has a good leader and has a good thinker (Philosopher) such as Imam Khomaeni, Ali Syariati. Both of the great figures in Iran. They were revolutionaries who overthrow the Shah Pahlavi regime. Besides, they have a lot of work, especially books that they have written and one of the famous books ever written by Imam Khomaeni  it is Insan Ilahiah. On the other hand, talking about religion that we should not undoubted. They have a good responsible with Islam.

However, the government of Iran cannot stabilize of violence or exploitation of women right. There are many cases that happening in the present age. Specifically, Iran has the highest ratio of female to male undergraduates in the world, with women representing 65 percent of Iranian undergraduates and about 70 percent of its science graduates, academic success which has led to an increased willingness of families to seek higher education for their daughters.  Addition, Iranian girls can be legally forced to marry at the age of 13.

In conclusion, the Iranian is largely harmful for violence or exploitation of women right. Therefore, the officer of Iran must reduce the number of it.  

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

bongkahan emas

bongkahan emas didepan mata
tak kunjung jelas dihapus ombak penantian
kulelah akan seperti ini
menunggu sesuatu tak kunjung jelas dari mulut manismu

bongkahan emas didepan mata
tak kunjung nampak karena terhapus ombak
banyaknya harapan yang tak kunjung jelas dari tingkah lakumu yang tak pasti
mengingtkanku dengan kata-katamu 25 tahun sebelum engkau dilahirkan

aku semakin yakin bahwa dirimu tak lain hanyalah khayalan belaka buatku
bongkahan penantian hancur lebur karenamu.
bongkahan emas dalam seribu penantian.

Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

The controversy of Allowing Gay Couples to Marry

Despite many countries permit gay couples to marry with aim to reach the happiness in society, especially in the West culture. They marry because marriage symbolizes a long-term commitment to one another, not a pledge to reproduce for the state or humanity as a whole. In any case, the gay couple can adopt the children. There is ongoing debate about whether homosexual couple is beneficial and whether it should be allowed by government. This essay argues that homosexual is indeed more harmful than the male-female couple and that allowing should cease.   
It has been claimed that gay couple has a good care in showing love to the child. It is proven by their seriousness to have it. Another point made is that gay couple is advantageous for children is the environment really support. For instance, the gay couple will be coddling their step children, and they will ask to their step children to visit some tourism place. Also, according to the gay couple beauty is in the eye of beholder. So do not complain about couples you think are unlovely or unattractive.
However, there are some convincing arguments for gay couple and allowing by government and they can adopt the children. The gay couple has different affection in showing love to the children. Children greatly assist children’s development by normal couple. You do not think that if the children grow up based on their environment, the author means that if the gay couple (male-male or female-female) they will be like that. On the other hand, the children do not know which one their mother and their father. Furthermore, in Muslim forbids us to marry at same gender. There are a lot of verses in holy Qur’an. In order that, the government should abolish it.    
In conclusion, the gay couple is largely harmful for children’s emotional well-being. Therefore, the allowing of gay couple for legalizing should not 

Jabariyah and Qadariyah

The history of Islam recognizes Jabariyah and Qadariyah. Both argue that fate has been decided whether by the God or human being.
Obviously, Jabariyah has been claimed that the people do not have any power or freedom at all in making decision or choosing their fate. Although they have a freedom but it does not influence their life. Because the decision maker is only God. For instance, mate, luck, and death. Those have been given by the God.
            Whereas Jabariyah believes that the fate has been given by the God. Qadariyah disputes it. The fate is not decided by the God but human being. Therefore mate, luck and death are on human choices. Having say that human being has an authority to determine their own life or destiny.
            I personally think that Jabariyah and Qadariyah are showing that the different view even though both have the same source. It is holy Qur’an. Also in this case probably happen because of the difficult concept in Islam. So that is why, it is difficult to give which is the true.  On the other hand, regarding some statements above I emphasize that there is the fate we do not have any power to change and there is the fate given by ourselves. For instance, the fate which is impossible to change, such us our gender, man or woman, we cannot change them, even though we do operation. Then, the fate which possible to change is our happiness.
            In conclusion, it is similarly Jabariyah and Qadariyah are islam, for and against which is happening only part of Islam. Then, the scoring maker is only the God.